
You've carefully selected your recipes, spent hours in the kitchen baking, decorating and cleaning up after each and every step. Now you need to get your creations to the people on your list. Whether you're hand delivering your treats or shipping them far away, properly packaging your masterpieces is just as important as making them! You don't want your loved one to open the box and find....a box of crumbs!

My system works pretty well, and although I'm careful....I'm not as obsessive as Martha Stewart, though I've taken many a cue from the culinary goddess.
I use a three tier system:

1) Wrap/Box and package the cookie according to type: IE choc chip cookes together, peanut butter cookies together etc.

2) Box the various packages well. The less shifting in transit, the better!

3) Rebox the final package with an insulator. (popcorn, shredded newspaper or if you don't care about the environment, styrofoam pnuts work great! ((just include a note to save and recycle)))